Mental Health and Substance Use Services Directory
Find a Provider

Find a mental health and/or substance use provider in the San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) network below. Services are offered through a network of county operated clinics and programs, contracted community agencies and private providers. We serve San Mateo County residents who have or are eligible for Medi-Cal, and those who are uninsured.

All Mental Health Clinics provide the range of Targeted Case Management and Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) including Intensive Home Based Services (as appropriate) and Intensive Care Coordination. Therapeutic Foster Care (agencies) that are Mental Health MediCal Certified are listed under Mental Health Clinics.

Limitations of Information Provided: BHRS strives to assure the information in this directory is accurate and relies on the provider to submit new information as it becomes available and this directory listing is reviewed at regular intervals. Services may be delivered by an individual provider, or a team of providers, who is working under the direction of a licensed practitioner operating within their scope of practice. Licensed, waivered, or registered mental health providers and licensed substance use disorder services providers are listed on the BHRS Provider Directory. This directory is updated monthly.

ATTENTION: If you need help in your language call 1-800-388-5189 (TTY: 711). Aids and services for people with disabilities, like documents in braille and large print, are also available. Call 1-800-388-5189 (TTY: 711). These services are free of charge. Language Taglines

For questions or assistance, call the BHRS Access Call Center 1 (800) 686-0101, or TTY (for hearing impaired): dial 711. Learn more about how to request services. [Spanish], [Chinese], [Tagalog], [Russian]

***COVID-19 Information***
For service modifications due to COVID-19 and how to access services click here. For COVID-19 mental health resources, click here.

Directory last updated on: 03/20/2025 09:08 AM
Provider Directory*
*Services may be delivered by an individual provider, or a team of providers, who is working under the direction of a licensed practitioner operating within their scope of practice. Only licensed, waivered, or registered mental health providers and licensed substance use disorder services providers are listed on the Plan’s provider directory.